This phase of engagement has ended.


Fill in our quick survey!


We would like to hear your views!

Please fill in our quick survey below on how we can make a positive difference to the city.

The survey will ask for your views on information in our exhibition boards that describe the emerging city masterplan. It is well worth taking a look at the boards before you start, or you can take a look as you go. You can view the full boards here.

Images of car and bike traffic.

View the exhibition board, Current challenges

Hereford can be difficult to get into and around, whether on foot, by bike, by car, bus or train.

  • The city needs better planned and integrated public transport to create real movement choice, a more resilient road network for those who genuinely need to use their cars, and improved safety for all road users.
  • Hereford needs more homes to ensure that future generations of people can continue to live here.
  • Reducing carbon emissions and improving biodiversity are key priorities. The city needs to adapt if Hereford is to play its part in dealing with the current climate and biodiversity emergency.
  • Hereford needs to prepare for an already changing climate. This will require nature-based solutions, such as making better use of the green spaces and network of waterways in and around the city to address impacts including flood risk.

Map of 5, 10 and 15 minute walking catchment areas in Hereford.

View the exhibition board, Getting into and around the city

Our vision for Hereford’s transport in the future includes:

Streets, roads and neighbourhoods that feel safe and inviting for our residents, their families, and visitors to walk, wheel and cycle more. 

  • We will look at changes to our city’s roads and infrastructure to make this happen.

A diverse bus service which serves the wide-ranging needs of the people in our city and our towns and villages. 

  • We will look at changes to create city-wide bus services and services which reach our more rural areas to connect people to where they want to go.

A rail station and public transport interchange that: 

  • Better connects rail services together with local buses 
  • Improves walking connections to our city centre 
  • Creates a strong sense of place when arriving in Hereford by train.

Improving local access to the rail network. 

  • Assessing whether new stations or light rail are possible if the evolution of the city provides high enough levels of use.

Image shows people cycling and a wheel chair user.

View the exhibition board, Cycling, Wheeling* and Walking in Hereford

We know from listening to you that many of those who live, work in, or visit Hereford would like to walk or cycle more but are put off by the current state of our roads. 

  • The amount of car traffic means many of us do not currently feel safe or comfortable cycling on the street we live on, in our neighbourhoods and on main roads. 
  • We want to put infrastructure in place to make our streets more people friendly. Hereford is a small, compact city that is very suited for getting around by walking, cycling, or wheeling*, quickly, cheaply and healthily.

*using a wheelchair or mobility aid

Image shows map of Park and Choose sites around Hereford. Description to follow.View the exhibition board, Making the best use of available space

There are currently more car parking spaces available in Hereford than demand requires. Providing more and better options for how people choose to move to, from and around the city may further reduce demand in the future. 

The Council is therefore looking at the potential for future re-purposing of some of the car parks it owns in Hereford to provide lively, high quality public spaces and sensitively designed new homes for the city. Many of these are in prominent city centre locations and have the potential to support other land uses which could enhance the vibrancy and activity in the city centre.

Analysis is underway to identify potential opportunities for redevelopment of some car park sites in the future. This analysis will recognise that the closure of any existing car park may increase usage elsewhere.

Car parks will continue to be required in a variety of different locations to cater for people arriving in Hereford from different directions. The Council will continue to provide sufficient parking to ensure the city centre remains accessible and convenient to those who visit by car, alongside all other modes of transport.

  • Herefordshire Council already recognises the benefits of giving people who are visiting Hereford by car a choice in where they park.
  • The Council has installed a series of park and choose facilities on the outskirts of the city to provide this choice.
  • This is one way which Herefordshire Council is already helping to reduce car trips coming into the city.
  • We are looking at ways of improving these and incentivising more people to use these sites.

Image shows illustrative examples of the kinds of new home designs.

View the exhibition board, New homes and green spaces

If some existing car park sites were made available for other uses in the future, potential options for redevelopment could include:

  • High-quality city centre homes that are affordable to local people of different ages
  • Accommodation for students of the newly created NMITE and existing College of Art
  • New green and open spaces for those who live, work in, and visit Hereford
  • Hotel or other visitor accommodation
  • Community and health facilities
  • Commercial workspaces

Design principles for new residential development

The masterplan will set out key principles to guide the development of new homes in Hereford:

  • High quality design
  • Respectful of surrounding architecture
  • Fitting local height and scale
  • Mix of tenures – sale, shared ownership, social rent
  • Strong environmental and biodiversity credentials
  • Supported by school, health, and community facilities

Image shows various heritage sites in Hereford.

View the exhibition board, Celebrating Hereford's past

Specific themes we will explore include:

  • Improving the public realm and connecting the city’s heritage assets
  • Revealing the city’s defences and archaeology
  • Repairing, restoring and re-using historic buildings
  • Addressing gap sites in the townscape
  • Celebrating Hereford as a place

Image shows attractions in Hereford.

View the exhibition board, Hereford as a place

Hereford benefits from a wealth and diversity of existing, interesting public spaces.

  • Highlights include the spaces associated with the Cathedral and the River Wye. Both have played major roles in the evolution of the city and provide a powerful sense of identity to Hereford.
  • The historic buildings and pattern of streets, lanes, passageways and spaces in the city centre provide a characterful network of pedestrian routes and spaces. However, parts of the city could be better used and presented. Opportunities include:

City centre

  • Some areas of the historic core are dominated by traffic and could be improved to create safer, healthier and more attractive and welcoming spaces for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • There are opportunities for coordinated use of high-quality materials

High Town and St Peter’s Square

  • These are great locations in the city centre that could be enhanced to provide more attractive environments, with spaces better planned to support vibrant street life and activities.

Image show map of the biodiversity in Hereford.

View the exhibition board, A greener city

Our vision for the environment and biodiversity in and around Hereford includes to:

  • Explore potential to bring historic transport corridors back into use to provide new walking and cycling routes or wildlife habitats. These include the former Hereford to Abergavenny Railway and former Hereford, Hay and Brecon Railway, as well as the route of the former Herefordshire to Gloucestershire Canal. 
  • Rediscover lost sections of Hereford’s rivers and brooks, moving them above ground to create pocket parks, wildlife corridors and active travel links. 
  • Enhance the Lugg Corridor to create an accessible green space for sensitive access to and exploration of nature that serves the whole of Hereford, alongside enhancing undisturbed areas for wildlife. 
  • Increase urban, woodland and orchard tree planting to raise tree cover across Hereford from 15% to 25%. 
  • Deliver nature-based solutions to flooding across the Wye, Lugg, and Hereford’s brooks.

This engagement phase has finished

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